DCHS » Student Life

Student Life

Dallas Community High School

A place for non-traditional learning.

A Focus on Deeper Learning

At Dallas Community High School, learning is connected to the world beyond school. It is our goal to engage our students in a wide range of pursuits: scientific, mathematical, literary, historical, artistic, and aesthetic. As a school rooted in the community, service and civic engagement are a priority and as such we focus on activities and projects that allow for mutual benefit. 

DCHS teachers work in teams to integrate curriculum across subject areas to help bring real world application to classroom theory. Each term is designed around an essential question that drives the content of each class and project. Students master critical content while pursuing their interests through individual and small-group projects. Frequent exhibitions and “Presentation of Learning” help students develop valuable skills of analysis and communication. 

As DCHS teachers develop curriculum, they consider the Oregon academic standards and the six Core Deeper Learning Competencies which call for students to, “master core academic content, think critically & solve complex problems, work collaboratively, communicate effectively, and know how to learn and develop academic mindsets.”

Plans are being made to create a meaningful high school culmination project in an area that will demonstrate learning and growth and a well developed senior project.